This tournament is replaced with a team battle on Sunday 5/23 from 4-6PM:
- Date: Sunday May 23 (10AM start). NOTE: DATE IS TENTATIVE!
- Format: LiChess Swiss, 4 Rounds.
- Entry Fee: $0.
- Registration Deadline: Saturday May 22, 12PM.
- Sections, Time Control, Schedule:
- Open / K-12 Under 1300 / K-8 Under 900 / Family
- Time Control: G/25 + 5s
- Round 1: 10:00AM
- Round 2: 10:50AM
- Round 3: 11:40AM
- Round 4: 12:30PM
- Awards (Zoom): 1:00PM or earlier
- K-6 Under 500 / K-5 Novice / K-1 Novice
- Time Control: G/15 + 5s
- Round 1: 10:00AM
- Round 2: 10:40AM
- Round 3: 11:20AM
- Round 4: 12:00PM
- Awards (Zoom): 12:30PM or earlier
- Open / K-12 Under 1300 / K-8 Under 900 / Family
- Team Rooms are available: We will provide a Zoom breakout room for your team (6+). At least one adult is required in the room at all times. Please email Q300ChessTeam AT gmail DOT com to request.
- Timeline:
- Saturday 12PM: Registration ends
- Saturday 2PM: Participants / parents will receive an e-mail with the check-in link
- Saturday 8PM: If you have not checked-in by now, you may miss Round 1
- Sunday 9AM: Zoom conference opens (see below)
- Sunday 10AM: Round 1 begins
- Note on Cheating: It is very important that you watch your kids. Cheating is a very common problem for internet chess, and LiChess is especially good at catching it. We have 0 tolerance – any players caught will be removed from the tournament and permanently banned.
- Zoom: We will be running a Zoom conference on game day, open to all participants. The link will be in the check-in email on Saturday. Feel free to login as early as 9AM, and stay connected throughout. We’ll use the Zoom for many different things:
- Tech support and Q&A
- Select game reviews by IM Saudin Robovic
- Opening / “welcome” ceremony
- Award ceremonies
- Team Rooms (see above)
- Misc Notes:
- Round times may be slightly delayed, to ensure there are breaks
- Family members can play in the Open or Family section
- In sections where no team exceeds 30% of the field, teammates will not be paired. You can also request not to face a sibling.
- You must be a member of the “Q300 Home Tournaments” team to participate – please join: Note: this step is needed since LiChess only allows intra-team Swiss tournaments. We are not going to sell you anything.
- A Live Standings page will be linked here the day of the tournament. It will show real player names, individual and team standings, and ongoing LiChess game links.
Please email us (Q300ChessTeam AT gmail DOT com) if you have any questions.
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Links to our past events:
- April 26: Final Standings
- June 7: Final Standings
- July 12: Final Standings
- Sep 13: Final Standings
- Nov 15: Final Standings